PushExpress -- Quckstart Analytics
Stats rundown
Stats menu
Sent, Number.
Clicks, Number.
The amount of clicks received on your push notification.
CTR, %.
Click-Through Rate. For example, if an ad was displayed 1000 times (impressions) and received 50 clicks, the CTR would be 5%.
Registrations, Number.
The amout of devices that proceeded to registration after push-notification.
Deposits, Number.
The amount of devices that topped up (made a deposit) their balance after push-notification.
Unique Devices Covered, Number.
The amout of unique devices covered in this dispatch. Reflects only the amount of devices that actually received push-notification.
Push rate, Number.
The number of pushes received on average by a user over a specified period. For example, if 1000 pushes were sent to 200 unique devices, the Push rate would be 5.
Unique CTR, %.
The average number of clicks per unique device. For example, if 1000 devices made 2300 clicks, the Push Rate would be 2.3. This means that, on average, each device clicked 2.3 times.
CTR Registrations, %.
Shows you percentage of devices that proceeded to registration after they received push-notification.
CTR Deposits, %.
Shows you percentage of devices that proceeded to deposit after they received push-notification.
Grouping rundown
Grouping menu
Filter by countires.
Filter by language.
Filter by your custom created segments.
Send ID.
Filter by Send ID. This is a unique internal Send ID in the Push.Express system.
Filter by application.
Task Type.
Filter by task type. Choose from smart-weekly, one-time send or autopush (event triggered push-notification).
Task Name.
Filter by task name.
Language Push.
Filter by device language.
Filter by sending period. Choose from Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month or custom period of Days.
If you need help with using analytics, please contact our support team.
Other possibilities
Download the Demo Apps (PWA, Android, iOS (coming soon)) from Push.Express and test the analytics directly on your device! Install the app, send a push notification, click on the push, simulate a registration or a deposit. You can view all the statistics on the Analytics page. Log in to a separate account with demo apps..
Contact our support team if you have any questions or need assistance.
Last updated