
PushExpress -- SDK Unity

Unity SDK

  • Unity Push.Express plugin was developed by eSkukza Apps4You 17.06.24

  • Original plugin by Hek

  • Tested on Unity v2022.3.32f1

  • Instalation

  • Put PushExpressHandler.prefab on scene

  • Write your AppId, make changes in platform, put google-services.json or Google-services.plist into Assets folder and thats it!

  • Call your methods after push init or error line 50 ProceedToYourMethod()

  • All Debug methods can be deleted without any harm!

  • NewtonSoft

  • This package requires Newtonsoft Json for unity!!!

  • PackageManager => Add by name => com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json

  • Firebase messaging

  • This package requires Firebase messaging!!!

  • https://firebase.google.com/download/unity you can get it here

  • Don't forget to put google-services.json or Google-services.plist into Assets folder!

  • Don't forget to resolve libraries for android!

  • Using UniWebView could result in dependency errors on an android platform due to FB. Disable Kotlin, and android.x in UniWebView preferences. Don't do anything anything if you don't have error!

  • PS. You can always refer to Firebase Messaging documentation for additional info

  • PS2. Push notification images work by default, you don't need to do anything!

Last updated